Swim Diary: June 6, 2020

Post swim lunch!
(tl;dr: tremendous fun!)

Ebzilla did not disappoint! 

Carol, Darlene, Elizabeth, Katie, Tim, and I stepped through the low tide beach muck as we began our walk to the opening. As the water got deeper, the real swimming began. Of course, it took a few extra-strong kicks to separate the muck from our feet so the adventure could begin in earnest. After a quick regroup at the opening, we headed east into the blinding sunlight and ebb. 

As we approached the elbow, the current kicked up. We all jockeyed for positions closest to the wall. Arms flew, legs kicked, and pylons blocked our elite group's forward progress. It was at this point where I channeled my inner Laura and went wide an extra few feet so I could get a better view (and avoid) the brawl and carnage, not to mention the added benefit of maximizing my workout interval.

Significant effort notwithstanding, we all made it PAST the Creekers. On our return to the cove, we had a bit of company. Fortunately not all the swimmers saw the pinniped observers just a few inches away investigating the humans invading their space. 

Once inside the cove, some of us swam to the Grace Quan while others raced off to the flag. 

An absolutely great swim!


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